About Regenerative Medicine Minnesota
Regenerative Medicine Minnesota aims to improve the health of Minnesotans by advancing regenerative medicine. This state-wide initiative opens new economic opportunities through commercialization of technologies and leverages the strengths of Minnesota institutions to position the state at the forefront of regenerative medicine.
In May of 2014, the Minnesota State Legislature allocated $4.5 million (the first year) and $4.35 million of support per year thereafter, to fund research and biobusiness development initiatives that improve or increase access to regenerative medicine throughout the state. Read the bill.
Improving the health of Minnesotans by advancing regenerative medicine research, clinical translation, and commercialization.
- Support Minnesota regenerative medicine research that has the potential to improve patient care.
- Translate research into clinical advances in regenerative medicine by funding clinical trials in Minnesota.
- Accelerate commercialization by supporting Minnesota biobusinesses that bring regenerative medicine products and services to market.
Recommendations governing the Regenerative Medicine Minnesota (RMM) funding will be made by an up to seven-person Board. The Regenerative Medicine Minnesota Board (Board) will have one representative each from the University of Minnesota and Mayo Clinic as co-chairs. Up to five additional Minnesotans representing statewide stakeholders, including industry and others with expertise in regenerative science and medicine, clinical translation and application, commercialization, and medical venture who are not currently affiliated with the University of Minnesota or Mayo Clinic will also serve on the Board.
The Board is responsible for overseeing the progress of funded projects. An audit is submitted to the Minnesota State Legislature every other year in line with the appropriation bill (Minnesota Regenerative Medicine Act, CHAPTER 312, ARTICLE 1, SECTION 4) OF LAWS OF MINNESOTA 2014). RMM grant award results are made public and available to Minnesotans via the dedicated website www.regenmedmn.org.
Board members must remain free of any conflicts of interest that might be perceived to influence their decisions. They are not allowed to be active participants, collaborators, consultants or to hold financial investment in programs funded by RMM.
Definition of Regenerative Medicine
Regenerative medicine utilizes the body’s own ability to heal. Restoring form and function is at the essence of a regenerative outcome. Cell and developmental biology, regenerative pharmacology and immunology, medicine and surgery, biotechnology, bioengineering, and other relevant fields are brought together to develop ways to replace, restore, or rejuvenate damaged or malfunctioning cells, tissues, and organs to help people return to better health.
Funding Opportunity Guidelines
Regenerative Medicine Minnesota will engage a network of stakeholders to develop regenerative medicine assets throughout the state. Funding opportunities will focus on research, clinical translation, and biobusiness development. Eligible institutions must be based in the state of Minnesota, and funds must remain in Minnesota. Awardees are strongly encouraged to seek matching funds or in-kind contributions. Funds that remain unspent are returned to RMM, and the RMM Board will decide how to repurpose them.