HealthForce MN Scrubs Rochester Camp

There is a shortage of healthcare professionals, especially among underrepresented groups. Employers need qualified workers and are particularly interested in creating a diversified workforce. Summer enrichment camps provide the exposure needed for young people to gain an interest in healthcare professions, but due to a lack of accessibility, individuals from underrepresented groups often lack the opportunity to attend these educational opportunities.  

Winona State University, Rochester
Misun Bormann

Mankato SCRUBS Camp

Like the rest of the nation, Minnesota has a shortage of healthcare workers. In 2014, the healthcare industry comprised 14 percent of the state’s employment, and state legislators expect Minnesota’s healthcare sector to grow rapidly over the next few years. More medical professionals are needed to someday care for the state’s aging population.

Mankato Area Public Schools
Kim Mueller

Scholarships for Scrubs Camp at St. Paul College

There is a shortage of healthcare workers in Minnesota and across the country, and the demand for skilled healthcare professionals will rise as the population of the United States grows older. Many young people are unaware that jobs in the medical industry are exciting and financially rewarding, and other students, especially young women and minorities, think they cannot compete for these positions.

St. Paul College
Laura Savin, Melissa Cuff, Tracy Wilson