Regeneration of hypothalamic neuro-architecture using liver enzyme gene transfer as an approach to treat post-dieting body weight rebound

Grant Project Details:

Ping Chen, PhD
Mayo Clinic | Rochester, MN
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Grant timeline: proposal, updates, reports

Grant Location

Mayo Clinic
200 First Street SWGuggenheim 7-27
Rochester, MN 55905

Grant Description

The major challenge in treating obesity is not just losing weight, but preventing weight from coming back. This proposal examines a new treatment strategy of using a gene transfer therapy to safely target brain mechanisms that control hunger and energy output. The investigator’s previous research indicates that gene transfer of a well-tolerated liver enzyme could revolutionize clinical treatment of obesity, making it easier for obese patients to lose weight safely and minimize later weight gain.

Grant Awardee Biography

image of Ping Chen, PhD

Dr. Chen is an Assistant Professor in Pharmacology at Mayo Clinic. She is a graduate of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and has been at Mayo for five years.