Reporter Gene Services in Support of Regenerative Medicines
Grant Project Details:
Grant Location
Grant Description
As the regenerative medicine field continues to grow, more researchers and scientists are depending upon contracted services to provide vital functions for their studies. Imanis Life Sciences helps fulfill this demand by providing noninvasive reporter gene imaging services, a process that allows researchers to track the progress and fate of cellular therapies in living animals.
Since their founding in 2012, Imanis has seen an increase in demand for their services, both because regenerative medicine research is becoming more common and because Imanis holds the exclusive rights to the sodium iodide symporter (NIS) reporter gene, which allows for the production of high-resolution 3D images using SPECT or PET imaging.
To help meet the demand for their services, this grant provided the necessary funds for Imanis to purchase an ELISA plate reader and a PCR machine. This will improve quality control of their reporter gene products and help them analyze animal tissues for presence of the fluorescent or luminescent cells to correlate with the imaging data from inside the bodies of the animal subjects.
This imaging technology is used by regenerative medicine researchers to test when a therapy is working and to assist in troubleshooting when the cells miss their mark.
Grant Awardee Biography
Dr. Lukkana Suksanpaisan has substantial experience in the fields of molecular virology and noninvasive imaging technology. She has used the NIS reporter gene extensively in her research at Imanis Life Sciences, LLC. She earned her PhD at Mahidol University, the top Thai research institute, and her post-doctoral fellowship was held at Mayo Clinic in Dr. Kah-Whye Peng’s virology and gene therapy lab. She continues her work to integrate imaging technologies into regenerative medicine and many other disciplines.