Increased Application of Novel Regenerative Therapeutics Achieved Through Integrated CGMP Process Development Optimization

The Mayo Clinic CRM Biotrust has the role of escalating promising cellular and acellular biologics from bench to clinical-grade products, through stringent quality and manufacturing practice documentation and validation. With the purchase of a clinical-grade cell sorter, the CRM Biotrust will further the integration and optimization of process development and CGMP manufacturing platforms and provide increased access to regenerative therapies.

Mayo Clinic
Zachary Resch, PhD

Building a Stem Cell Innovation and Business Incubator Facility at the UMN Stem Cell Institute

Funding to equip laboratory space at the UMN Stem Cell Institute to provide a shared-space Innovation and Prototype Facility to support start-up companies and business/academic collaborations in the regenerative medicine business sector.

University of Minnesota Stem Cell Institute
James R. Dutton, PhD

Multi-Modal Imaging Platform for Monitoring Regenerative Therapy

This proposal aims to establish the state‐of‐the‐art ultrasound platform armed with photoacoustic technology specialized for regenerative therapies. This platform will be fully utilized in over 25 research projects at Mayo Clinic as well as educational activities for the next generation across the state of Minnesota.

Mayo Clinic
Satsuki Yamada, MD, PhD

Molecular Farming of BMPs and Fibronectin

The goal of this project is to prove that commercial production of regenerative proteins can be made consistently and with a significant cost reduction. There is a large commercial demand for products manufactured from these proteins if they can be made more cost effectively. MNPHARM's approach is a measurable improvement over current production methods of BMP2 where cost has prohibited the expansion of the medical treatments.

James R. Thompson, PhD