Research Grants Awarded

Reseach grants support Minnesota scientific and medical research that has the potential to translate to clinical advances in regenerative medicine. Grants typically open every September. Learn more about how to apply for a grant by reading our frequently asked questions


View research grants awarded by year.
Bruce Walcheck, PhD
Cancer is a difficult disease to treat because it is hard to detect within the body. Cancer sneaks in to normal cells and changes them to cancer…
Elizabeth W. Bradley, PhD
Osteoarthritis is one of the leading causes of disability in the US today. The disease occurs when articular cartilage in a joint degenerates.…
Deborah Ferrington, PhD
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in the elderly, affecting about 15 million people in the United States.…
Scott L. Nyberg, MD, PhD
For many patients with acute liver failure (ALF), the only option for a cure is a liver transplant. ALF is contracted when a normally healthy liver…
Robert T. Tranquillo, PhD
Coronary bypass surgery is a challenging operation. Essentially, it’s replumbing a patient’s heart, similar to what happens if the gas line to your…
Troy C. Lund, MD, PhD
Bone marrow is the soft, fatty tissue inside bones. This tissue produces white blood cells that help control infections, red blood cells that…