Research Grants Awarded

Reseach grants support Minnesota scientific and medical research that has the potential to translate to clinical advances in regenerative medicine. Grants typically open every September. Learn more about how to apply for a grant by reading our frequently asked questions


View research grants awarded by year.
Alexander Revzin, PhD
The goal of this project is to develop microcapsules that could be used as cell carriers during differentiation of stem cells into pancreatic…
Ping Chen, PhD
The major challenge in treating obesity is not just losing weight, but preventing weight from coming back. This proposal examines a new treatment…
Mohamad Bydon, MD
This clinical trial investigates whether adipose-derived (fat tissue-derived) mesenchymal stem cells can be safely administered into the…
Nobuaki J. Kikyo, MD, PhD
Many regenerative therapies are based on using a patient’s own cells to create induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells that can then be differentiated…
Aaron Krych, MD
The goals of this project are to test the initial safety and feasibility of RECLAIM, a single stage cartilage repair technique using the patient’s…
Jennifer Westendorf, PhD
This project will help determine how proteins called Girk2 and Girk3 contribute to cartilage formation and repair in the setting of osteoarthritis…
Satsuki Yamada, MD, PhD
Heart attacks damage heart walls, compromising the pumping function of the heart. Dr. Yamada is investigating the use of patient’s own stem cells…
Mark J. Osborn, PhD
Using the body’s own immune system to combat cancer is a highly promising field, but there have been some serious side effects reported with early…
Rodrigo Ruano, MD, PhD
When a baby’s lungs are not adequately developed at birth, severe complications and even death can result. Dr. Ruano brings expertise in a…
Shernan G. Holtan, MD
Interim report: Patient enrollment continues. Additionally, correlative studies have provided important data on regulatory T cell responses and…
Jop H. van Berlo, MD, PhD
Dr. van Berlo’s research aims to help children born with heart disease. He is researching the triggers that can increase cardiac muscle after birth…
Michael C. McAlpine, PhD
Using stem cells to repair damaged heart tissue is a promising, but complex area of research. Dr. McAlpine’s research aims to take a significant…